Sunday, August 25, 2013

I think I might be crazy

For a few weeks, I've been kicking the idea around of doing a full length Ironman triathlon.  For those of you out there that don't know what that entails, I'll break it down for you.
An Ironman is composed of a 2.4 mile (3.86km) swim, followed by a 112 mile (180.25km) bike ride, and then to top it off a full marathon (26.2 mile (42.2km)) run! Most Ironman events have a strict cut off time, so that means I have to complete all 140.6 miles (226.31km) in 17 hours.

17 hours.

I don't think I could do 140 miles in 2 days, let alone 17 hours.

So, in order to do this, I've decided to hire a coach.  Oh, and not only am I going to do it, I want to do it in under 12 hours.  Yeah, a full five hours faster than the cut off.  If I can average 20 miles an hour, I can do the bike in 5.6 hours.  And if I can run 10 minute miles, that's 4.4 hours for the run.  Which leaves a full 2 hours for the swim and transition times.  If I break it down like that, it almost seems achievable.

Because I'm a giant fat ass, I've decided on a two year training plan, and plan on toeing the line at an IM in 2015.  Along the way, I'll race a 1/2 IM, and probably run a marathon too.

As I mentioned, to help me with this herculean task, with Rock Star Wife's permission, I have decided to hire a coach.  Now, I've never interviewed a coach (or anyone for that matter - I've always been a low-level peon at my paying jobs with no authority whatsoever...just the way I like it), but I think I did a pretty good job picking the one for me.

My future coach, Coach M, is a superstud woman.  She consistently finishes at the top of her age group, has won two slots to Kona (yeah, the IM world championships in Hawai'i), and almost exclusively trains newbies running their first IM.  UH YEAH! SIGN ME UP!

I have created this blog to:
A: Make you, the reader laugh (at my pain?)
C: All of the above.

So join me on this unbelievable goal I've set for myself, and help hold me accountable as well!
Thanks for reading.


  1. My hat's off to you sir, my sister-in-law competes at this level and a co-worker did his first Iron Man about a year ago...personally, I think its nuts but I understand the desire to set a task and accomplish it, so good luck. And I'm more than happy to shout insults to keep you motivated....and remember, pain is just weakness leaving the body.
